Game Narrative Review - Prey
This is a game narrative review I wrote of the game Prey in Eng400. I am posting this paper since it has been accepted for a poster session at GDC Austin 2009.
At the current time I plan to be available during the poster session to discuss the paper or other related or interesting topics.
Prey is an interesting game, as it is driven by a deep and impressive plot in a genre classically void of story or premise. By providing its players with a driving force other than “kill the bad guys,” it is able to form a unique connection to what would otherwise be a somewhat generic shooter. > > Prey is also able to create this experience without reverting to the generic cop-outs of cut-scenes or the silent protagonist, and never sacrifices gameplay or immersion to promote its story. A player from the very first scene feels as though he is Domasi Tawodi and is rarely reminded that he is playing a game.